Segments : use the filters

Segment your contacts using our filters. Here is how they work.

Mindbaz allows you to use several filters in your targets: this article explains what each of these filters corresponds to and how to use them!

Filter by Fields

The field filter allows you to segment your contacts based on the data present in the Mindbaz database fields.

These fields are of type:

  • Email (e.g., your contacts' email)
  • List (e.g., field #7 "Subscriber Status")
  • Text (e.g., field #15 "first name")
  • Date (e.g., field #20 "Date of birth")
  • Number (e.g., field #0 "IDUser")

Special case: the Webmail field (#37)

To target your contacts based on their domain, Mindbaz provides you with field #37 "Webmail". When you use this field, you can then select the domains of your choice: click on the "Select webmails" link.

In the panel, select the ISP(s) of your choice (hotmail, Gmail, Orange, Yahoo...): an input field contains all the domains linked to this ISP.

When you select an ISP, all domains linked to it are automatically selected. You can add or remove domains from the input field.

If you want to target specific domains (e.g., a B2B domain), enter it directly from the input field!

💡 Use case of a field filter

You want to target your contacts registered for less than 30 days.

  • Select the "date of last registration" field from the list of fields
  • Select the operator "less than"
  • Enter "30" days

Filter by Behavior

To target contacts based on actions (opens or clicks) performed in your email campaigns.

This filter allows you to select a number of actions (opens or clicks), and if these actions should be performed:

  • During a period (in number of days)
    • You can then specify the number of actions
    • E.g.: Opened at least 3 times during the last 30 days
  • On one or more campaigns
  • On one or more sendings

By selecting "has" or "has not" Opened, you can exclude opens counted from Apple MPP

Choice of sendings or campaigns

To target contacts who have opened or clicked on specific campaigns or sendings, choose "Sendings" or "Campaigns" from the dropdown list.

Then click on the "Select campaigns" or "Select sendings" link. From the panel, search for the campaigns / sendings of your choice. Validate your selection by clicking on "Validate"

If you select multiple elements, specify if the contacts should have performed the action on one of the elements (OR) or all selected elements (AND)

💡 Use case of a behavior filter

If you want to target your active contacts of less than 30 days (= contact who have opened within the last 30 days) :

  • Select "Have", then "Opened"
  • Select the operator "at least", then "1 time"
  • Enter "30" days

Filter by Sendings / Campaigns Received

To target contacts who have or have not received specific campaigns or sendings, select "Sendings" or "Campaigns" from the dropdown list.

Then click on the "Select campaigns" or "Select sendings" link. From the panel, search for the campaigns or sendings of your choice. Validate your selection by clicking on "Validate"

If you select multiple elements, specify if the contacts should have performed the action on one of the elements (OR) or all selected elements (AND)

    💡 Use case : select users who received a birthday email.

    You want to target your contacts who have received the "Birthday" campaign

    • Select "Have" received, then "campaigns". Then click on "Select campaigns"
    • From the panel, search for your "birthday" campaign, then validate by clicking on the "Validate" button

    Filter by Marketing Pressure

    To target contacts based on the number of campaigns received over a given period:

    • Today (= between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59)
    • Since a number of days or hours
    • Between 2 dates (start date > end date)
    • Over the last few weeks:
      • the current week
      • the previous week
      • 2 weeks ago
      • 3 weeks ago
      • 4 weeks ago

    💡 Use case of a marketing pressure filter

    You want to target your contacts who have received less than two campaigns during the current week.

    • Select "at least", then "1" campaigns "of all types".
    • Then select "These last weeks" then "This week"

    Filter with a File

    Target contacts based on values in a file.

    Select a file

    From the panel that opens, you can import a file or select a file already present on the Mindbaz SFTP.

    Only .TXT or .CSV files are allowed

    The file must have a single column, without a title

    It must be encoded in ANSI or UTF-8

    The file is automatically deleted after one year

    Choose a field from the dropdown list

    • This field must correspond to the data present in your file, otherwise it generates an error (e.g.: your file contains a column of emails, select the Email field (in clear / Field 1)

    💡 Use case of a File Filter

    Following a deduplication with a partner, you have a file containing MD5 emails. You want to target the contacts present in this file AND who are subscribers in your database.

    • In your target, use a field filter "Subscriber Status" "Is" "Subscribed"
    • Add a file filter
    • Select the file containing the contacts to target
    • Specify that the file contains the "MD5" field and check the file preview
    • Validate by clicking on the "Validate" button

    When creating a file target, no email insertion is made to your database, the goal being to route on common emails between the file and your database

    Filter by Themes

    To target contacts based on their opens and clicks made in campaigns linked to themes.

    Choice of themes

    Click on the "Select themes" link from the panel, select the themes of your choice in the tree structure.

    A search bar allows you to search for a theme.

    You can select a theme and all the sub-themes it contains, or only certain sub-themes.

    Validate your choice by clicking on "Validate"

    💡 Use case of a Theme Filter

    You want to target contacts who have clicked at least 3 times on a campaign associated with the "Cooking" theme in the last 3 months

    • Select "Have" "Clicked" "At least "3" times since "90" days
    • Click on "Select themes"
    • Select the "Cooking" theme from the list
    • Validate by clicking on "Validate"

    Filter using another segment

    To target contacts based on their presence in one or more other targets.

    Choice of targets

    Click on the "Select targets" link from the panel, select the targets of your choice.

    A search bar allows you to search for a target in the dropdown list.

    Validate your choice by clicking on "Validate"

    If you select multiple targets, specify if the contacts should be present in one of the targets (OR) or all selected targets (AND)

    Filter by location

    To target contacts based on their postal code.

    This filter requires that your contacts' postal code is filled in field 18 "Postal Code" of the database.

    To use the geolocation filter, choose a country from the list (geolocation works in France, Belgium and the United Kingdom), then select if you want to target your contacts:

    • Who live around a city: you can then enter the postal codes of your choice, separated by semicolons
      • Ex: 59000;75001;13000
    • Who live in a region or department. Click on the "Select a region" link and choose the regions and departments of your choice from the list. Then click on "Validate"

    You can also exclude certain postal codes from your selection.

    💡 Use case

    You want to target your contacts living in Ile-de-France.

    After adding the geolocation filter, click on "Select a region", then select the "Ile de france" region.

    Filter using SQL requests

    To target contacts based on the SQL filter of your choice.

    From the panel that opens on the right side of the screen, you can:

    Use the input assistance module which allows you to select a field, an operator and the values to target.

    Then click on the "Generate SQL" button: the SQL code is added in the input field.

    The input field allows you to write the SQL query of your choice

    Then click on "Validate" to add the SQL filter to your target.

    For security reasons, certain elements are prohibited in your SQL queries