New rule to protect your sendings

As of Jan. 14th 2025, an additional check will be performed on all segments of your campaigns to ensure they include the "Subscriber Status Is Optin" criteria.
⚠️ If this criteria is missing, you will no longer be able to schedule the campaign.

This rule applies to both the interface and the REST API.

Changes in the REST API


GET /api/{idsite}/targets/{idTarget}
GET /api/{idsite}/targets/Get
GET /api/{idsite}/Targets
POST /api/{idsite}/Targets
POST /api/{idsite}/targets/duplicate
PUT /api/{idsite}/targets/{idTarget}
👉 A new isSafe field (true/false) will be added to the API response.

New endpoint: /api/{idsite}/targets/{idTarget}/isTargetSafe
👉 Returns whether the target is usable for sending (true/false).


POST /api/{idsite}/sendings/{idCampaign}/Schedule
POST /api/{idsite}/sendings/{idCampaign}/Schedule/daily
POST /api/{idsite}/sendings/play
👉 A new error case, "success: false," will be added if at least one segment does not use the "Subscriber Status Is Optin" filter (FLD7=0).

⚠️ A campaign cannot be scheduled if it contains a target marked as isSafe: false.


GET /api/{idsite}/campaigns/{idCampaign}
GET /api/{idsite}/campaigns/{idCampaign}/checklist
👉 A new NotSafeTargetIds field will be added, listing the IDs of targets that do not use the "Subscriber Status Is Optin" filter (FLD7=0).

⚠️ A campaign cannot be scheduled if it includes an "unsafe" target.